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Popp WorldPopp WorldOutdoor Table Tennis Tablespopp.worldpopp.worldMaker of Popp World


Boost visibility: Fix Core Web Vitals, optimize keywords, improve backlinks. Potential to increase US traffic share from 3% to 20%+ and rank for 1000s more keywords

SEO Audit: Popp.World - Outdoor Table Tennis

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Popp.World is an outdoor table tennis company looking to expand their presence in the United States and globally.
They are already established in Australia but want to grow their reach. This audit will analyze their current SEO performance and provide recommendations for improvement.

Current Performance

Ahrefs Overview

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  • Domain Rating: 9 (decreased over the last year)
  • Organic traffic and page traffic: Ups and downs over the last few years
  • Referring domains: Slight decrease in the past year

Traffic by Location

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  • Australia: Highest share of traffic, consistently trending high
  • United States: Only 3% of traffic share, but showing slight growth

Organic Keywords

  • Relatively stable, no significant movement

Competitor Analysis

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Top Competitors

  1. Tennis Warehouse (tenniswarehouse.com.au)
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  1. All Table Sports (alltablesports.com.au)
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Key Competitor Insights

  • Tennis Warehouse has seen significant growth, moving from ~100 searches/month to ~250
  • Competitors use clear, simple layouts focused on e-commerce functionality
  • Use of clear headings and product categorization

On-Page SEO Issues


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  1. Lack of clear H1 tag
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  1. Ambiguous messaging - not immediately clear it's about table tennis
  1. Low contrast text causing accessibility issues
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Product Pages

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  1. Inconsistent URL structure (e.g., /AU vs /au)
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  1. Duplicate content issues between country-specific pages
  1. Suboptimal page titles and meta descriptions
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Technical SEO

Core Web Vitals

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  • Failed Core Web Vitals assessment
  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) needs improvement (currently at 5 seconds)

Page Speed

  • Performance score needs improvement
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  • Consider using prerender for slower loading content
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  • Background and foreground colors lack sufficient contrast ratio
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Canonical URL Issues

  • Duplicate pages for AU and US versions need to be resolved with canonical tags

Keyword Optimization

Top Performing Keywords

  1. Outdoor table tennis
  1. Table tennis table


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  1. Optimize for "buy table tennis table" and related commercial intent keywords
  1. Improve product page titles to include relevant keywords (e.g., "Outdoor Table Tennis Tables - [Product Name] | Pop World")
  1. Create more content around "table tennis tables for schools"

Backlink Strategy

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  1. Identify websites linking to competitors (e.g., tabletennis.com.au)
  1. Reach out to relevant blogs and tennis-related websites for potential partnerships or guest posting opportunities
  1. Focus on getting backlinks to key pages, especially the homepage and main product category pages


  1. Redesign homepage to clearly communicate the product offering (outdoor table tennis tables)
  1. Implement a clear e-commerce layout similar to successful competitors
  1. Optimize page titles and meta descriptions for all key pages
  1. Fix technical SEO issues, especially canonical URL problems and Core Web Vitals failures
  1. Improve site speed and address accessibility concerns (particularly text contrast)
  1. Create a content strategy focused on key commercial intent keywords
  1. Develop a backlink acquisition plan targeting relevant, high-quality websites
  1. Implement proper hreflang tags for international targeting
  1. Consider creating separate .com and .com.au domains for better geo-targeting
  1. Conduct regular site audits using tools like Ahrefs Site Audit to catch and fix ongoing issues
By implementing these recommendations, Pop World should see improved search visibility, particularly in their target markets of Australia and the United States, leading to increased organic traffic and potential sales.
Order your own SEO Audit today.