Order your own SEO Audit today.
GenPPTGenPPTAI presentation toolsiyabuiltsiyabuiltMaker of GenPPT


Boost rankings with targeted keywords, backlinks, and free tools. Potential to rank for 7M+ search terms and increase traffic by 1000%+. Competitor analysis reveals key strategies.

GenPPT SEO Analysis


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  • The website looks good with the main keyword and benefits displayed
  • It has a feedback button and a video showcasing the app experience
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  • The website has a blog with two pages

Technical SEO

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  • The SEO title is smaller than 60 characters
  • The SEO description is more than 160 characters
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  • Multiple H1 tags are present, which should be fixed
  • Alt text for images should be more descriptive (e.g., "genppt logo" instead of just "logo")
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  • Canonical URL and robots.txt are present
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  • Sitemap is available and should be submitted to Google Search Console
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  • Some meta tags are missing, such as Twitter site and OG tags

On-Page SEO

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  • The website is ranking for some keywords like "PowerPoint template"
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  • Adding more backlinks to specific pages can improve rankings
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  • Competitors like Magic Slides have better on-page SEO with clear headings, FAQs, and tutorials
  • GenPPT should incorporate best practices from competitors

Keyword Research

  • Main keywords for the homepage include "magic slides," "slides AI," "PowerPoint AI," and "PowerPoint maker"
  • Ranking higher for these keywords requires the right headings and backlinks
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  • Long-tail keywords like "PowerPoint to video converter" and "PDF to PowerPoint" are easier to rank for
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  • Creating free tools and blog posts targeting these long-tail keywords can drive traffic

Competitor Analysis

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  • Magic Slides is a major competitor with a strong backlink profile and content marketing strategy
  • They rank well for "AI presentation" and have a high estimated traffic value
  • Slides Go is another big competitor with a high domain rating and millions of searches for their brand name
  • Creating content around "Slides Go alternatives" and "Slides Go templates" could be effective

Content Strategy

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  • Create free tools like PDF to PowerPoint, image to PowerPoint, and YouTube to PowerPoint
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  • Write blog posts about Google Slides, Canva, and Slides Go alternatives
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  • Make a directory of PowerPoint themes and inspiration
  • Target long-tail keywords related to PowerPoint and Google Slides tutorials

Link Building

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  • Focus on getting backlinks from high-authority websites in the AI and presentation space
  • Reach out to websites that have linked to competitors and try to get featured
  • Leverage unconventional ways for SEO, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and building a personal following


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  • The presentation software niche is competitive but has high traffic potential
  • As an indie developer, focus on creating valuable content, tools, and building backlinks
  • Incorporate best practices from competitors and target long-tail keywords to drive traffic
  • Good luck with your SEO efforts!
Order your own SEO Audit today.